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HMS News

Daily Announcements Week of September 9th
Katie Dittami

 Monday, September 9 - Day 1

The Drama Club will have an informational meeting after school on Tuesday September 10th in Mr. McKeon's classroom, room 260. Anyone interested in auditioning for the Fall Play or joining tech crew is encouraged to attend. If you can not attend but you would like to be involved in the fall play, please get in touch with Mr. McKeon. 

The first meeting of HMS book club will happen on Tuesday Sept. 10 at 2:30 in the library.  Come prepared to share your favorite books!  

History Club will meet this Wednesday September 11th in room 127.

The first meeting of Pride Alliance will happen on Wednesday Sept. 11 at 2:30 in the library.  Check it out.  All are welcome! 

Students in Grades 6 & 7 interested in Robotics should check the HMS Schoology page for information on how to join the HMS Virtual Robotics Club.  This club is a prereq for any 6th or 7th that have not yet completed a full year of Virtual Robotics

 Students in grades 7 & 8 interested in Robotics who have successfully completed the VR course are eligible to sign up for HMS Robotics.  Please see the HMS Student Schoology page for information on the mandatory zoom meeting on Thursday, September 12th.

Tuesday, September 10 - Day 2

The Drama Club will have an informational meeting after school today in Mr. McKeon's classroom, room 260. Anyone interested in auditioning for the Fall Play or joining tech crew is encouraged to attend. If you can not attend but would like to be involved in the fall play, please contact Mr. McKeon.

 The first meeting of HMS book club will happen today at 2:30 in the library.  Come prepared to share your favorite books!  

History Club will meet tomorrow in room 127.

 The first meeting of Pride Alliance will happen on tomorrow2:30 in the library.  Check it out.  All are welcome!

Are you interested in joining Student Council? Join us for an informational meeting on Tuesday, September 17th, at 7:30 AM in the Library! This is your chance to learn more about student leadership, share ideas, and find out how you can get involved. Join our Schoology group for more information (552Q-TZQ5-6656J)

Students in Grades 6 & 7 interested in Robotics should check the HMS Schoology page for information on how to join the HMS Virtual Robotics Club.  This club is a prereq for any 6th or 7th that have not yet completed a full year of Virtual Robotics

Students in grades 7 & 8 interested in Robotics who have successfully completed the VR course are eligible to sign up for HMS Robotics.  Please see the HMS Student Schoology page for information on the mandatory zoom meeting on Thursday, September 12th. Deadline to sign up is Wednesday, September 11th.

Wednesday, September 11 - Day 3

History Club will meet today in room 127.

The first Pride Alliance meeting will be today at 2:30 in the library. Check it out. All are welcome!

Are you interested in joining Student Council? Join us for an informational meeting on Tuesday, September 17th, at 7:30 AM in the Library! This is your chance to learn more about student leadership, share ideas, and find out how you can get involved. Join our Schoology group for more information (552Q-TZQ5-6656J)

Homework Club will be starting next week.  It will be in Mrs. McNally's class, room 203 on Tuesday and Wednesday from 2:25-3:30.

Thursday, September 12 - Day 4

Are you interested in joining Student Council? Join us for an informational meeting on Tuesday, September 17th, at 7:30 AM in the Library! This is your chance to learn more about student leadership, share ideas, and find out how you can get involved. Join our Schoology group for more information (552Q-TZQ5-6656J)

Homework Club will be starting next week.  It will be in Mrs. McNally's class, room 203 on Tuesday and Wednesday from 2:25-3:30.

Grade 7 Back to School Night
Katie Dittami

Dear Grade 7 Parents and Guardians:


We look forward to seeing parents at our Back to School Night on Thursday, September 19 from 6:30pm - 8pm.  During this evening you will be able to meet each of your student's academic teachers and gain a better understanding of the content of the courses.  We hope that you are able to join us as it is our belief that students’ success is ensured by teachers, parents, and students working in partnership.


On Wednesday, September 18 you will receive the student specific schedule for that evening. Please bring that schedule with you to the event which will provide the classes and locations for each academic period.  


As parking will be tight, please use both the high school and middle school lots for parking.


If we can be of any further assistance this evening, please stop by the Middle School Office.




Matt Lefebvre   



Ann Benbenek                     

Assistant Principal


Lauren McDonough 

Assistant Principal 

HMS Summer Reading, Grades 6-8
Katie Dittami

Students will be expected to read two books this summer. One must be a fiction “novel of choice”.  Students can choose any novel they would like to read over the summer and prepare to discuss it in class upon return to school in the fall.  The second book can be either fiction or nonfiction. Please reference the  Summer Reading Assignment for more information.

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