Instruction in all Grade 8 math classes focuses on three critical areas:
Formulating and reasoning about expressions and equations, including modeling an association in bivariate data with a linear equation, and solving linear equations and systems of linear equations;
Grasping the concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships; and
Analyzing two and three dimensional space and figures using distance, angle, similarity, and congruence, and understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem.
Math 8 is designed to be rigorous and meet the needs of the majority of our students, focusing on the four critical areas listed above. Some classes (indicated as Math 8 II) will be taught by a math teacher and supported by a learning specialist, paraprofessional, or another math teacher.
Math 8 Curriculum Units and Learning Outcomes:
Grade 8 Honors Algebra I formalizes and extends the mathematics that students learned through the end of Grade 7 covering all of the Grade 8 standards from the Massachusetts Mathematics Curriculum Framework in addition to the following Algebra 1 standards:
Deepen and extend understanding of linear relationships;
Contrast linear relationships with each other and engage in methods for analyzing, solving, and using quadratic functions;
Add, subtract, and multiply polynomials in addition to factoring polynomials; and
Work with inequalities and systems of inequalities by solving them algebraically and graphically.
All topics will be covered with extensive rigor to ensure mathematical success at high school and beyond. Honors Algebra I students must possess a strong work ethic as well as an ability to learn independently. This class is designed for students seeking higher level Calculus in high school.
Grade 8 Honors Algebra I Curriculum Units and Learning Outcomes:
Grade 8 Advanced Algebra I formalizes and extends the mathematics that students learned through the end of Grade 7 covering the remainder of the Grade 8 standards not taught in Grade 7 Pre-Algebra from the Massachusetts Mathematics Curriculum Framework as well as all Algebra I standards. Grade 8 Advanced Algebra I supports students who are ready for a substantially above-grade level math experience. The curriculum demands and emphasizes a deep, authentic command of mathematical concepts. Grade 8 Advanced Algebra I is designed for students who regularly think about problems in ways that go beyond simple computation and are able to apply concepts to novel situations. Students demonstrate a strong interest and passion for math and display an enthusiastic disposition to think critically and analytically while independently monitoring and evaluating their own progress. This class is designed for students to reach two years of high school Calculus. The main areas of concentration of Grade 8 Advanced Algebra I are to:
deepen and extend understanding of linear and exponential relationships;
contrast linear and exponential relationships with each other and engage in methods for analyzing, solving, and using quadratic functions;
apply linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend.
Students will summarize, interpret and represent one or two variable data distribution as well as simplify and solve rational expressions and equations using various operations. Students will explore aspects of functions and pre-calculus topics that will further develop in Algebra II, including composition, inverse, and operations. Grade 8 Advanced Algebra I students must possess solid mathematical prerequisite skills, as well as a strong and independent work ethic.
Grade 8 Advanced Algebra I Curriculum Units and Learning Outcomes:
Grade 8 Placement
The placement process for Grade 8 math differs from that of students entering Grade 7 in that it relies exclusively upon the grades that students earn in their Grade 7 class, a process similar to the one used for high school placement. Students are placed based upon their year-to-date average through March.